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[학술] 생명과학과 세미나 안내 [24.6.13.(목) 17:00 원천관242호]

  • 기초과학연구소
  • 박은영
  • 작성일 2024-06-04
  • 조회수 71

생명과학과에서 아래와 같이 세미나를 실시합니다.

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주관: 기초과학연구소(자율운영 중점연구소지원사업)

일시: 2024년 6월 13일 목요일 17:00

장소: 원천관 242호

연사: 김병식 교수(이화여자대학교)

주제: Threats and Potential of the Bacterial Protein Toxin, MARTX

The Multifunctional Autoprocessing Repeats-in-ToXin (MARTX) toxin was originally characterized as an accessory toxin in Vibrio cholerae but later identified as a primary virulence factor in life threatening bacterial pathogen V. vulnificus. This single polypeptide toxin contains multiple cytotoxic/cytopathic effector domains, which are flanked by regions of amino acids repeats. After the secreted toxin binds to the host cell plasma membrane, the repeats containing regions form a pore-like structure on the membrane, through which the central effector domains are translocated into the host cytosol. Then the co-delivered cysteine protease domain processes inter-effector regions, liberating effectors from the holotoxin for target inactivation. In this talk, MARTX toxin-host interactions will be introduced, using the Makes Caterpillars Floppy-like domain as an example. Subsequently, the evidence for the increasing threat posed by MARTX-mediated infections and the urgent need for MARTX gene surveillance will be discussed. Lastly, the future potential of the engineered MARTX toxin will be explored.

Keywords : MARTX toxin, Vibrio vulnificus, Bacterial protein toxin, Host-pathogen interaction